• Identifies harmonic patterns from an array of zigzag points.


    • zigzags: IZigZag[]

      An array of zigzag points to analyse.

    Returns IHarmonic[]

    An array of identified harmonic patterns.


    // Parameters for generating ZigZag points
    const lag: number = 5;
    const threshold: number = 2;
    const influence: number = 0.3;

    // Assuming 'candles' is an array of ICandle objects representing the price data
    // Generate ZigZag points from candlestick data
    const zigzags: IZigZag[] = ZigZags.create(candles, lag, threshold, influence);

    // Find harmonic patterns from the generated ZigZag points
    const harmonics: IHarmonic[] = Harmonics.findPatterns(zigzags);

    // 'harmonics' now contains an array of identified harmonic patterns
    console.log(harmonics); // Outputs the identified harmonic patterns

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